Bayview Mac Race

According to Chairman Peter Wenzler, a white squall hit the fleet shortly after the start, making a whole lot of wind out of what started as a light downwind breeze. While some spinnakers became streamers at the tops of masts, others were locked and loaded or temporarily switched out for easier-to-handle headsails before the wind calmed and then elevated again to a more sustainable 22 knots over flat, waveless water. The bigger boats sailed the 259 nm Cove Island Course while the smaller boats sailed the 204 nm Shore Course, with both courses finishing at Mackinac Island. The bigger boats enjoyed a strong beat home in 18-22 knots after turning the corner at Cove Island. The bulk of the Shore Course fleet enjoyed a mid-morning finish, reaching in a solid 20-25 knots. The J/105s nearly swept Class J Racing, taking four of the top five positions. Leading everyone home was Windshadow helmed by Jim Murphy from Bayview YC. Following in their tracks in second place was Mark Denuyl’s Goof Lookin from Port Huron YC, then in fourth was Don Harthorn’s Snake Oil from Lake Shore Sail Club, and fifth was last year’s winner Pterodactyl skippered by Mark Symonds from Grosse Pointe YC.

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