Cedar Point Yacht Club held its annual One Design Regatta from June 1-2 on Long Island Sound. The six-boat J/105 fleet saw Gardner Horan’s CUSH post five straight bullets (and discard a bullet) for 4 points net. Behind CUSH, it was a battle between three boats: John & Marisa Koten’s GRAY MATTER, Randy Bourne’s STRANGE BREW and Claudine DiSario & Scott Marino’s PHOENIX. Race by race the standings kept changing. In the end, it was Koten’s GRAY MATTER that took the silver with a 2-2-3-3-2 record for 9 points net. Settling for the bronze was Bourne’s STRANGE BREW, and finishing fourth was PHOENIX. For more Cedar Point One-Design Regatta information, visit https://yachtscoring.com/emenu.cfm?eID=16374.

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