GBCA Rum Series
Galveston Bay Cruising Association’s annual pursuit style Rum Race Series concluded on September 7 with the eighth and final race. The series traditionally begins near the end of May and finishes at the end of August or beginning of September. Racing is divided into non-spin, sprit-spin, non-sprit spin, single/double handed, and Club Cruising classes. Entrants in the Club Cruising Class enjoy having their PHRF ratings adjusted based on where they finish in each race. The new ratings are computed by the all powerful super chicken. This year saw some 60+ boats competing in these classes. Boats in the sprit-spin class included Melges 24s, 105s, 109s, 120s, 80s, J70s, a 122, a GP26, an FT10, and a Beneteau 47.7. After the smoke cleared, Bee Bednar’s J/105 Stinger eked out a third place overall behind a Melges 24 and the GP26. Click on the picture at left to see a larger version.