Corinthian YC of Portland celebrated their 40th anniversary of their famous race offshore race, the Oregon Offshore, which took place in May. It was yet another test of wills, perseverance and clever sailing as the fleet took off in sloppy seas and light winds. There was a huge tidal ebb flow out of the Columbia River for much of the start of the race. This allowed the boats on the northern edge of the fleet to benefit early with a lee bow push upwind, northwesterly, and out to sea. Later in the race, when the fleet was making its way down the Straits of Juan de Fuca towards the finish line on the north shore of the channel, the fleet had to negotiate the infamous Race Rocks. As night time set in, and the tide slowly changed from flood to ebb, the J/105 FREE BOWL OF SOUP made a calculated move north of the leaders in the fleet as they approached Race Rocks. Despite some considerable distance to make up, SOUP was gambling on playing the coastline of Canada on a northerly track as a hedge against the imminent ebb tide running until about 4:30 am. It was a good tactical play in the final analysis. Dominating Class A2 was Eric Hopper/Doug Schenk

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