Bob Johnstone Awarded US Sailing’s Herreshoff Trophy

Robert L. Johnstone, lll has been named the 2023 recipient of the Nathanael G. Herreshoff Trophy, US Sailing’s most prestigious annual award, going to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the sport of sailing in this country in any associated activity. Presentation of the Trophy is planned […]

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Heineken St. Maarten Regatta

The 44th Heineken St. Maarten Regatta started with moderate breezes and plenty of sun on day one, then the fleet enjoyed the iconic Round Island Race in a breezy 15-20 knots. The third day dawned as the breeziest, with force 6 winds gusting into the upper 20s. The closing day […]

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San Diego Yacht Club Wins 2023 Lipton Cup in J/105s

San Diego Yacht Club has won the 108th Sir Thomas Lipton Challenge Cup, raced in J/105s. The defending champs were determined to hold tight to the cup, and they did just that in the final moments of the regatta. This marks the sixth win for skipper Tyler Sinks and his […]

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J/Fest Southwest

The J/Fest Southwest Regatta celebrated its 14th anniversary in Lakewood, TX in October. Winning the nine-boat J/105 fleet was Bill Mead’s SPITFIRE by a mere point over Don Peloquin’s USUAL SUSPECTS. Third went to Joel Scott’s PESTO. For more J/Fest Southwest information, visit

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