Rule Interpretation 23-01

Load Sensors

Q: Class Rule 5.3.1 allows “tactical instrumentation” and Class Rule 5.3.15 allows toggles to be installed in the forestay or backstay, or both.  Can I install a toggle that is also a load sensor?

A: No. Whether or not a load sensor counts as tactical instrumentation is as grey area within the Class Rules and thus the need for a rule interpretation.  There is also a question whether load sensors are consistent with Class Rule 1.1’s mission to preserve a low cost of ownership.  The Technical Committee, after consultation with the Class Executive Committee, has determined that installation of a load sensor is not consistent with the Class Rules and thus is not allowed.

Note that a pressure gauge on the backstay adjuster is still allowed as discussed in RI-17-03.

Q: What about running rigging load sensors such as the North SmartLuff or Cyclops Smartlink or Smarttune.

A: The same answer applies to the running rigging.

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