Topsy Turvy Thursday at East Coasts
Two races got off in moderate breeze Thursday at the East Coast Championship at Block Island Race Week after a brief postponement. The first race in a very unsettled breeze had regatta leaders Paul Beaudin and James Macdonald in the weeds and Damian Emery figuring it out to take the gun followed in second by Mark Masur and then Bruce Stone. This moved Emery up to second and took a bite out of loulou’s lead. The breeze was more settled for race two with loulou off clean at the pin to never look back rounding the top by 10 lengths and extending to win by a 1/4 leg. Following was Eclipse to solidify his second position and take the daily trophy. Next was Two Feathers again having a great showing for second in the daily prizes. Friday will have loulou starting with a 6-point advantage over Eclipse with Arbitrage (Play Station) and Distant Passion following 9 points out of first.